Warning Signs
People with dyslexia will demonstrate at least 3 of these warning signs. If you or your child express these traits, please call for more information about how we can help or try the Free Screener for Dyslexia.
Delay in talking; articulation problems
Difficulty recognizing and producing rhymes
Difficulty learning to tie their shoes
Difficulty remembering and following directions
Trouble memorizing their address, phone number or alphabet
Chronic ear infectionsElementary School
Difficulty learning sound/symbol correspondences
Letter or number reversal continuing past the end of first grade
Confusion of letters whose sounds are similar (d/t, b/p, f/v)
Often can’t remember sight words (they, were, does) or homonyms (their, they’re, there)
Difficulty segmenting words into individual sounds and blending sounds to form words
Difficulty telling time with a clock with hands
Dysgraphia, (the slow, non-automatic handwriting that is difficult to read.)
Trouble with math, memorizing multiplication tables, memorizing a sequence of steps, directionality
Make predictable reading spelling errors involving guessing based on shape or context, difficulties with sequencing sound/symbols resulting in reversal of letters (post, pots), omissions (stun, sun), additions(burnt/bunt), substitutions (horse/house), and transpositions(stop/pots)
Skips or misreads prepositions (at, to, of)• Ignores prefixes and suffixes
Difficulty remembering and applying spelling rules
Difficulty with reading comprehension and learning new information fromtext because of underlying word, recognition difficulties
Significant problems with written language due to problems with spelling and organization
High School, College, and Adult
Large discrepancy between verbal skills and written compositions
Slow rate of reading
Difficulty mastering a foreign language
Difficulty taking notes in class
Difficulty reading music
May have to read a page 2 or 3 times to understand it
Still has difficulty with right versus left
Sometimes confuses b and d, especially when tired or sick