The Learning Center strives to build strong relationships with each client. Our tutors are passionate about the success of their students. It is our goal to see each student exceed their own expectations. We aim to produce a safe, comfortable, and trustworthy environment that our students can enjoy and their parents can rely on. Below are testimonials from our clients. Please review them, and contact us with any questions you may have.

Melissa Lipe, mother of McCaydyn, 2016 graduate:
"My son was in second grade, hated school, cried daily, and told me he was stupid. We had been referred to doctors/specialists because he would vomit before school, the school nurse would send him home once he arrived at school, and he constantly complained of stomach pain daily. I found the Learning Center, called Mrs. Bonnie, and we began the evaluation. He began tutoring quickly after the results of the evaluation. My son went from a non-reader to almost grade level in three years. Most importantly, I no longer had a sick, angry, school-hating little boy. I now had a son that was attempting to read road signs with a wide smile on his face. As a mother, I cannot begin to explain the joy in my heart. He is now in sixth grade and actually picks up a book and reads for pleasure. I cannot say enough about The Learning Center and the programs they provided to change my son’s life. They worked with our schedules and made every effort for my son to be able to be involved in his other activities. God blessed us by allowing our paths to cross. I will forever be thankful."
Cathy, mother of Landon:
"It's been a while but I wanted to show you Landon's 6th grade KPREP scores in Reading. He made Distinguished!!!!!!! He is so stoked!! Still can't thank you and the tutors enough for all you did for Landon. He still struggles with writing but that is small potatoes from where we started. He is so happy and that's what matters most, his confidence."

Lori Ryan, mother of 2014 graduate:
I have referred many families to TLC and will continue to do so! TLC changed our lives! Our daughter was suffering and we didn't know why until we met Bonnie Nicks. She is extremely knowledgeable and passionate which makes this center the best there is for any student needing assistance.
Mother of The Learning Center graduate:
I would definitely recommend The Learning Center. The Learning Center changed my daughter’s life. She went from being a struggling student to a high achiever, scoring above grade level on standardized tests. Not only did they change my daughter’s life, but they made our entire family’s life better. I had been a teacher for over 20 years and I couldn’t help my child, which caused a lot of stress and anxiety. We were so fortunate to discover The Learning Center. I am not sure what would have happened to us if they had not become part of our life when they did. We are forever grateful!!! The staff at The Learning Center is the best. Everyone is so kind and knowledgeable. My daughter felt comfortable with all her tutors and they all motivated her to work hard and she accomplished so much while she was enrolled there. In terms of standardized tests my daughter now scores Proficient or Distinguished. Her reading level at the end of 4th grade showed her reading on a 6th grade level. In terms of self-esteem, the difference is incredible. Her confidence has grown so much and she wants to participate in classroom activities and clubs, whereas before she was not interested in anything that involved school. Thank you to everyone at The Learning Center. We appreciate your dedication to helping students become the best they can be!!!